St Edward’s School was delighted with the findings from their recent Ofsted inspection.
One of the real highlights for the staff at St Edward’s was how positively pupils spoke to the inspectors about their school. They were clearly proud to be part of the school community. One pupil told the inspectors, ‘This is the best school I have ever been to’.

In the report, the inspectors were quick to recognise that pupils flourish at the school because leaders and staff support pupils exceptionally well. They commented that leaders supported pupils strongly with their academic learning and were ambitious for every pupil. They remarked that leaders’ excellent work to promote personal development builds pupils’ sense of belonging. They recognised that the daily ‘Thought for the Day’ assembly was used by staff to model positive attitudes for the whole school community and that equality and diversity are central to the school’s work. These are just a few of the very positive comments in the report. The full report can be found on the school’s website and it reflects the excellent work done at the school.

St Edward’s School is a real community, where staff, pupils and parents all work together to make it an exceptional place. Of course, inspection affirms what we do, but the ability to walk alongside each other; to realise the importance of education, pastoral care and therapy to the recovery of our pupils; and to build relationships that promote a celebration of difference, is what makes our school special.