St Edward's School

"Your Future, Your Choice"

St Edward’s Catholic school is proud to be celebrating the outstanding achievements of its pupils this summer. Our pupils have recorded truly excellent outcomes, with 100% of pupils passing their GCSEs.
The headline figures are testament to the hard work of the pupils and their staff.
The pass rate at GCSE grade 4-9 was 70%, above the national average – no mean feat for a specialist provision. Equally, the combined English, Maths and Science pass rate at grade 4-9 was also 100%, and with all pupils securing passes at level 2 or level 1 in their Functional Skills English and Maths, they are well-placed to take their next steps with the literacy and numeracy basics secured.
Of note, the results in Humanities were exceptional, with 83% securing passes at 4-9 in History and 75% at grade 4-9 for RE, as were the outcomes for BTEC courses where all pupils secured passes at Distinction or Merit level and ASDAN courses.
Our cohort, like all the young people in the country experienced severe disruption to their learning with the onset of the global pandemic. What is especially gratifying though is that, unlike the vast majority of this summer’s pupils, ours have had to overcome significant adversity, both within their learning and their personal lives.
It takes a community to raise a child, and this is especially true of St Edward’s. The dedication and relentless pursuit of success for our pupils has been rewarded. The school’s leadership team wish to thank the pupils for their hard work - we are immensely proud of you all.
Especial thanks are due in no less measure to the teachers, teaching assistants, pastoral care, and support staff, all of whom make significant contributions to shaping the lives of our pupils and building hope for their futures.
Our tailored curriculum has enabled the pupils to follow their dreams and we wish them every success as they move on to post 16 courses, training, or employment.
Mr A J Bazen
Deputy Head Academic