St Edward's School

Preparation for adulthood is a fundamental part of our pupils' education at St Edward’s, therefore careers provision is embedded within our curriculum. We know our pupils well and promote equality through individual interactions in an environment that values diversity. We aim to challenge stereotypical thinking and raise the aspirations of our pupils; tailoring advice, support and guidance for each pupil.
Our comprehensive Careers Programme enables our pupils to discover all the potential options available to them. Our provision is fully aligned to current statutory guidance from the Government and informed by the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
At St Edward’s we provide a relevant and engaging careers programme that meets the individual needs of all our pupils. The structured careers programme develops with the pupils throughout their time at St Edward’s and is always supportive of their abilities, strengths and skills. The careers programme consists of a mix of teacher-led activities, online resources and engagement with external employers, professionals and further education colleges. It has been developed following Gatsby Benchmark and Careers Development Institute guidelines.
• Inspire and motivate pupils to develop as individuals, to live as independently as possible and make a positive contribution to society.
• Develop self-awareness to improve desirable employability characteristics such as communication skills, teamwork and leadership skills, creative problem solving skills, and a positive and aspirational outlook.
• Provide information and support for pupils, enabling them to make informed decisions that are appropriate for them at critical stages in their educational career.
• Embed careers into all stages of the St Edward’s curriculum, providing opportunities for careers exploration within the curriculum and real life contexts.
• Prepare pupils for the transition to further education, apprenticeship and employment beyond St Edward’s school.

Information for Pupils
At St Edward’s, careers is embedded within the curriculum as all subject areas make links to careers as well as specific careers education in PSHE. In Y11, you will have an opportunity to gain an Employability qualification. Throughout your time at St Edward’s you will have opportunities to meet and work with a variety of employers, visit workplaces and further and higher educational institutes. You will have your own careers e-portfolio that records your career related experiences and achievements. Finally, every year you will be able to evaluate the various activities and provide feedback on how we can improve the programme.
Information for parents and carers
St Edward’s careers programme has been developed to meet the individual needs of all our pupils. The programme is delivered through PSHE, subject areas and key events throughout the year. Parents and carers have the opportunity to provide feedback about school at any time of the year, either through the pupil’s keyworker or directly with the Careers Coordinator.
Information for staff
The career programme is part of the St Edward’s PSHE programme which is delivered to each class weekly. Additionally, each subject area makes their own explicit links to careers in the curriculum. Finally, the programme is evaluated in the Summer term, enabling opportunities for the staff to feedback and outcomes can then be then used to inform future planning.
Information for employers
Our careers programme integrates a range of events that provide employers with opportunities to speak to pupils, through enrichment activities. Details on how to access them can be found in our Provider Access Policy on the website.

Latest Career News:
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What green career could you do? Follow the link to learn more.
Green Careers Week
Learn more about the organisations involved.
Green Careers Week 2023
6th - 11th November for Green Careers Week 2023
Evaluation for Careers Programme at St Edward’s include:
Analysis of destinations of leavers
Analysis of NEETs
Feedback on the careers programme from pupils, teachers, parents, carers and employers.
Further Information
For further information about any of the items shown in this section, please contact the school’s Careers Coordinator, Victoria Barnett at or 01794 885252